Current Members of The Sherburne Library Board of Trustees


Beth Sarandrea


Nan Salamon


Gerrie Russell


Nancy Sherman


Laura Djordjalian-McComb

Recent Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees

Meeting Agenda

August 13, 2024 @ 9:30am


Call to Order

Approval of Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Chairman’s Report

Librarian’s Report

Old Business:

· Packet for Corporate Sponsorship of the Festival

· HVAC/Condenser Units

New Business:

· Summer Program Finale

· First Amendment Audits

· Virtual Reality & Laser Printer Updates

· Fairy Tale Festival Preparations

· Fundraising

Next Meeting Scheduled for September 10, 2024 @ 9:30am



Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Present: Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian

On Phone: Beth Sarandrea,

Absent: Laura Djordjalian-McComb,

The board meeting was called to order at 9:35am.

Gerrie made a motion and Nan seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from July 9, 2024. All approved.


Treasurer’s Report

· No report was available at this time.

o There has been no financial report for the past two months due to preparation of tax bills, etc. Jane will contact Mona and distribute a report as soon as it is available.

o Will need to have the new library budget turned in by October.

Chairman’s Report

· The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.

o The Friends of the Library is an excellent program with a good response. Hoping to encourage younger members. A training session will be planned for September sometime before the Fairy Tale Festival.

o It was suggested that an application form be used for volunteers.

o Our first meeting worked well under the new Open Meeting Law.

o We need to get photos at the Fairy Tale Festival including one of all the participating librarians.

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

o The statistics are up, library full of activity

o Monday movies and book club numbers are high.

o With fall programming, parents will again have to fill out another form with updated information.

o This Wednesday is a sleepover for the kids, Thursday, laughter for the seniors and Reiki, Friday is family sleepover (Busy week).

Youth Librarian Report

· Missy’s report was reviewed.

o There have been four events during the month of July with over 50 attendees at each event which included kids from camp and walk ins,

o Fall programming is planned, starting the first week of October through January with passive programming in September. Programs will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

o New books are ordered.

Old Business

· Packet for Corporate sponsorship of the festival.

o This has been put on hold for the moment.

· HVAC Condenser Units

o The three condenser units for air conditioning need to be replaced. Jane has received one bid of $33,500. She is waiting for the second bid.

o Replacement will probably not happen until next spring.

New Business

· Summer Program Finale

o Program ending with the sleepovers

· First Amendment Audits

o Jane distributed a “Photography and Video Policy. There was a discussion.

o A MOTION was made by Nan and seconded by Gerrie to change “the identity of children under the age of 12….” To under the age of 16. All approved.

o A MOTION was made by Nan and seconded by Beth to approve the Photography and Video Policy. All approved.

o This policy can be seen on the Killington Library website.

· Virtual Reality & Laser Printer Updates

o The four pieces are ready to go. They are for adults only at this time.

o The laser printer will be up and running soon. Greg Cash has been helping to set up and install programs for the printer.

· Fairy Tale Festival Preparations

o 10 libraries are participating, 13 vendors, 2 food trucks and music with Rocking Ron.

o Jane will have the brochure completed shortly to insert in the giveaway bags.

o KPAA/Beth will ask for volunteers.

· Fundraising

o Jane suggested a Witch Walk. Members on the board were not enthused.

o A Bake Sale in place of the Craft Sale was suggested to take place the Saturday before Thanksgiving.

Other Business

· Steve Finer donated a fire truck cooler to the library

Nan made a motion. Gerrie seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:25am.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday September 10, 2024, at 9:30am

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon, Secretary


Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees

Meeting Agenda

July 9, 2024 @ 8:30am

Call to Order

Approval of Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Chairman’s Report

Librarian’s Report

Old Business:

  • Packet for Corporate Sponsorship of the Festival

New Business:

  • Summer Program Updates/FTF Updates
  • Virtual Reality Update
  • Adult Programming Update
  • Tech Updates
  • Fundraising

Next Meeting Scheduled for August 13, 2024 @ 9:30am

Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Present: Laura Djordjalian-McComb, Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian

The board meeting was called to order at 8:40am.

Nan made a motion and Laura seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from June 11, 2024. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report

· No report was available at this time.

o Starting next month, we will receive month to month details on the financial report.

Chairman’s Report

· The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.

o The Friends of the Library, a volunteer group of 13 members, has been set up to help out at the library on a as needed basis. It has worked well. There will be a training session for volunteers on July 18. More training sessions will be planned for new volunteers. Jane will send out an email every two weeks to post the need for volunteers. Beth may post on the KPAA website the need for volunteers. Jane will then talk with all potential volunteers.

o We will be following the new Open Meeting Laws beginning with this meeting. There was one training session and there may be more. The library is considered a non-advisory entity. Our minutes will be posted five days after our board meeting. Once approved at the following meeting, the minutes will remain on the website for 30 days.

o The library has transformed into the summer theme “Adventures at the Library”.

o Thanks to Beth for spearheading the library float in the Fourth of July parade.

o The library’s new hours took effect as of July 1.

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

o Thankfully, there are no building issues currently.

o The shelves were weeded out of books. The book sale on the Fourth of July was a huge success. $1051.95 was made at the sale and payment for lost books.

o Jane said that a boy scout troop from CT maybe staying at the library during a weekend in January for a ski weekend. Jane also stated the need for a Facility Use Agreement. The town has been asked for one since the library is a town building.


Youth Librarian Report

· Missy’s report was reviewed.

o The reading program has started

o The bouncy house was a huge success with 65 kids and adults attending. (Jane thought it was more like 90). There were lots of visitors.

o July 3’s event was s’mores baked in solar Ovens with 90 attendees.

o This week the program will be bird house building.

Old Business

· Packet for Corporate sponsorship of the festival.

o This has been put on hold for the moment.

New Business

· Summer Program Update/FTF Updates

o Two libraries pulled out of the FTF but two more libraries signed up. Posters and press releases will be going out soon. Staff would like to see the town be more involved in the festival.

o Summer programming is in full swing. Movies, book club, children’s programs, etc.

· Virtual Reality Update

o Four headsets have arrived. Programs need to be purchased. Jane will look into different trips. Staff have been trying them out. On July 18 from 1-3pm, the seniors will get to experience them, with instructions.

· Adult Programming Update

o In addition to the movies and book club, Jane has several ideas for the coming weeks and months.

· Tech Updates

o The new system is working well. No upgrades from desktop to laptops at this time. The desktops are needed for patrons who want to use CDs. Matt advised that cleaning up the wires downstairs is not a priority at this time.

· Fundraising

o Different ideas for fundraising were discussed. In the past we have had small events which didn’t make much money i.e. .5K race, Mystery night, Sip and Spell, teas and breakfasts. Many having one larger event might be possible.

o Cheryl Gromley is making a quilt for a raffle. Maurie Harrington is offering one of her paintings to raffle. It was suggested that these raffles be held together in September. We could sell tickets at the Fairy Tale Festival.

o The grant is still being processed. No new news.

o Next meeting we will discuss finances of the Fairy Tale Festival.

Beth made a motion. Gerrie seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:35am.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday August 13, 2024, at 9:30am

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon, Secretary


Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, June11, 2024

Present: Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian

By FaceTime: Laura Djordjalian-McComb

The board meeting was called to order at 9:40am.

Nan made a motion and Jane seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from May 14, 2024. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report

· The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

o The library is currently at 84%, below 95% of where it should be. When current bills are paid, we should be at about 88%.

Chairman’s Report

· The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.

o Nancy, Jane and Beth were at the VLA conference in May. There were a variety of libraries with about 270 librarians present. Our library is very lucky with the great relationship we have with our staff, town and patrons. The reception after the conference at the library was excellent.

o A database of volunteers needs to be developed. No staff should be alone in the library for safety purposes.

o The Rec Department will monitor the library’s bathrooms during concerts. Mike Ramsey needs to get them a key.

o On May 26, at 5:30pm there will be a Zoom meeting on “Open Meeting Training”. Jane will register the Board.

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

o There was a puzzle challenge on Sunday, 3 Teams and a new champion was crowned.

o Jane has cards that announce the summer programs, concerts and list the new hours.

o The Universal class on the website will be changing. Instead of 500 courses, it will now offer 20,000 courses.

Youth Librarian Report

· Missy’s report was reviewed.

o All the children’s programs were well attended.

o Touch A Truck event took place on June 1st. It was a huge success with 175 attendees. There were 16 vehicles from 10 companies, all committing to next year’s event.

o School ends on 6/13 with the summer programs starting on 6/26

Old Business

· Packet for Corporate sponsorship of the festival.

o This has been put on hold for the moment. It still needs to be completed.

o Currently we have $21,000 in the Fairy Tale Festival account, which should be plenty for this year.

o $1000 in donations have been received.

o Still waiting to hear about the grant and the Bequest.

· VLA Meeting May 20 Review

o The conference and reception following went well and were well attended.

o The Vermont legislature passed a bill that has lowered the privacy age from 16 to 12 years old. That means that 12-year-olds may now have a library card in their own name.

New Business

o Summer Program Kickoff – will be held on Wednesday, June 26 at 1pm outside the library. There will be a bounce house, popcorn and snow cones.

· Virtual Reality Update

o The Board reviewed possibilities for virtual reality at the library.

§ A MOTION was made by Beth and seconded by Gerrie

to purchase VR equipment for library programming.

All approved. Once the equipment is purchased guidelines for use will

need to be developed.

· Adult Programming Update

o June 27 at 1pm there will be adult story telling with stories, craft, etc.

· Tech Updates

o Greg Cash, a patron and parent, has offered some suggestions for our overall tech setup. Presently, we are going to continue to work with Matt.

· Fundraising – Currently we are in good shape

Other business as needed

· Maker Space

o The Board looked at a laser cutter, “We Create” online. We felt that this would be an asset for the library.

§ A MOTION WAS by Nan and seconded by Beth to purchase a laser cutter for the library.

All approved.

· A list of passes for state parks has been made and the first three families who visit all the areas will get a gift certificate.


o Monday – Friday —– 10:30am – 5:30pm

o Saturday —— 9am – 1pm

Jane made a motion. Beth seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:05am.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday July 9, 2024, at 9:30am

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon, Secretary

Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024

9:30 am.

The meeting was called to order at 9:40 am.

On a motion by Beth, seconded by Laura, the minutes of Tuesday, April 2nd, 2024, were approved.


Treasurer’s Report:

We are at 78% of our budget with approximately 1 ½ months remaining in the fiscal year.

There are plans to take out the desk in the story room and purchase two cabinets that will close,

thus hiding any clutter, since the room in in clear view of the meeting room. This purchase will come out of the non-print budget so we will come pretty close to 99% of our budget. We now have a detailed print-out (18 pages) of our current budget that shows line items. This will be discussed at the next meeting after everyone has a chance to review. The library is the “golden child” compared to other departments in the town in that we follow the rules and keep up with reporting requirements.


Chairman’s report: Nancy Sherman

Nancy pointed out that it was a testament to our library staff that things went so smoothly during Jane’s absence. Thanks to Nan and Gerrie for filling in some spots during that time.

We are still concerned with children getting off the bus and playing outside and during events like Touch a Truck, running through the parking lot. Perhaps a sign saying “SLOW” Children at Play” might be helpful.

The library is being used this month for several events that will occur when the library is closed.

The meeting room has some valuable items on the wall plus the bathrooms could be easily stressed.

We also need to discuss the summer concert series because people have access to the library during the performance. We are sharing the cost of a hand-i-cap port-o-potty with the rec. commission.

It seems that people do not know all the services that the library offers so we going to begin an

outreach program that will make the town aware of the many programs at the library that have nothing to do with books. The first effort will be Jane attending the senior lunch on May 23rd and

sharing some things the seniors can take advantage of.

Jane, Nancy and Beth will attend the VLA on May 20th. A small reception will be held at our library that afternoon with refreshments.

Librarian’s Report: Jane

We ended April with almost 1100 check outs and puzzles are still of interest even with the warm weather. With new summer beach reads etc. we expect a bump in check outs.

The staff is focused on organizing the big summer project.

The children’s programming is published and the adult brochure should be out by Friday. The April programs for kids took a hit because of baseball starting.

A reminder about safety has been sent to parents via the KES Newsletter.

We have not heard from from the Edgar Estate regarding the $25,000 gift but that is not a concern.

We also have not received an answer to the grant we applied for earlier in the year. Perhaps through an email we can, at least, find out if all the monies have been awarded.

A wedding and a memorial service will be held at the library this month.

Youth Services Report: Missy

Some of the planned programs were canceled because of weather or the presenters themselves had a problem and caused a cancellation. Spring baseball has also attracted some of our regulars away. Yoga,

Jewelry Making, STEAM with Sarah and a Poetry Workshop attracted a few attendees while a Little’s Program on plants and seeds had 15 attendees.

Touch a Truck is set for June 1st and a fun filled summer is planned.

Old Business:

Packet for Corporate Sponsorship of the Festival

This is still being worked on. Nancy is looking for pictures to include to add visual interest.

VLA Meeting

This will be held at the Grand and has been mentioned above. Jane, Nancy and Beth will attend. An open house type of reception will be held at our library after the conference.

New Business:

Summer Program Schedule:

There will be an open house on Saturday, June 1st, to introduce the summer theme of Adventure in Travel. At that time the summer brochures for both adults and children will be available.

As mentioned above, Touch a Truck will also be held on Saturday, June 1st.

Building Issues:

Storage should be improved when the desk is removed from the story room and two cabinets with doors are installed.

The “Fireman” display will eventually be moved to another location as the Historians are getting their own area in the old Town Hall.


Festival Update:


The fairy Tale Festival will be the focal point after the summer kick off is complete.




We have had really good ideas in the past but, unfortunately, they did not generate a lot of money.

So we need to come up with some more ideas. Some patrons have been asking Jane for Sip & Spell, a Mystery Night, .5K run and an escape room.


Jane is looking into two new programs that might be of special interest to seniors. One is Virtual Reality where with a headset you can go anywhere in the world and also participate in such things as tennis matches. She is also looking into Glo Forge.

The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, June 11th, 2024

The meeting was adjourned at 10:49.

Respectfully submitted, Gerrie Russell


Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Present: Laura Djordjalian-McComb, Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian

The board meeting was called to order at 9:14am.

Gerrie made a motion and Nan seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from March 24, 2024, with the correction that the board would be trained after the April board meeting. All approved.


Treasurer’s Report

· The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

o The library is currently at 68%, below 80% of where it should be. Things are good.

o Spending on propane and electricity is much lower.

o Software licensing occurs every other year.

o The telephone costs have gone from $400+ to $103 per year.

o The fee for the ILA conference comes from the Dues and Workshops line item.

o Performers line item is over budget. May have to adjust money in certain line items in the next budget.

o Summer and Fairy Tale Festival expenses are under non-print.

o Costs for craft supplies are under programs and non-print. It was suggested that they be divided out into a separate line item.

o Jane will give us a complete breakdown of spending on the whole budget at the next meeting.


Chairman’s Report

· The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.

o Nancy is working on the Corporate Sponsorship packet.

o A sample letter to sponsors was reviewed with the levels of donations. How we will acknowledge these sponsorships is yet to be determined.

o Liam has been an asset to this project.

o Jane suggested that each potential sponsor receive a folder with information and pictures on the Fairy Tale Festival. June 1st is the target date to get these folders out to potential sponsors and to state libraries.

o Jane and Beth are working to get a piece on WCAX, “Across the Fence”.

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

o Jane distributed name tags to the board.

o VLA conference is on May 20th at The Grand Hotel. Anyone who would like to attend, let Jane know.

o Our mice have been going on many travel adventures.

o All is good at the library.


Youth Librarian Report

· Missy’s report was reviewed.

o All the children’s programs were well attended. The Egg Hunt and Craft stations were a big success.

o The summer reading program is in the planning stages.

o Touch A Truck event is planned for June 1st.


Old Business

· Packet for Corporate sponsorship of the festival.

o See information under Chairman’s report.

New Business

· Issue with happenings outside the library after school.

o Children who arrive on the school bus have been seen playing in the parking lot, throwing snowballs at the building and other unsafe activities. There is no supervision outside of the library.

o Jane has arranged for Scavenger Hunts inside the library which helps to keep students inside. Missy and Kate will walk outside several times.

o Jane will have Missy write a note for the KES newsletter asking parents to reinforce the safe behavior of children when they are in or outside of the library.

· Monday Movie Titles

o Jane will make sure that the movie ratings are always included with the movie titles and descriptions. It is always up to the patrons if they wish to view the movie.

· Bill before the VT Legislature

o Jane distributed a summary of a Bill before the Vermont Legislature: To ensure that Vermont libraries protect and promote the principles of free speech, inquiry, discovery, and public accommodation; to ensure public safety in libraries and thee will be no disclosure of library records to custodial parents or guardians of patrons age 12 (changed from 16) years or older. Now library cards can be issued to children 12 and older.

Other business as needed

· There may be a raffle for a painting by Maurie Harrington and a quilt raffle.

· The library needs a new vacuum.

· Kate is cleaning up her room. The desk will be removed, and a cabinet purchased for all her craft items.

· The library needs a new box with tools.

· Jane will check into getting a defibrillator.


The Board went into Executive Session at 10:50 am.


Nan made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:00am. Seconded by Beth.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday May 14, 2024, at 9:30am

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon, Secretary



Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, March 24, 2024

Present: Laura Djordjalian-McComb, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Jane Ramos, Librarian, Will Austin (Assistant Town Planner)

By FaceTime: Gerrie Russell, Nancy Sherman

Will Austin, assistant town planner, spoke to the board regarding a $200,000 grant the town was applying for through the Federal Department of Libraries. This money will be used to replace the lighting, making it more efficient and reconstruct and extend the back porch. The Town should hear by mid spring if the grant is accepted. However, if not accepted, the town can resubmit the grant in the fall. Will believes the grant has a very good chance of being accepted.

The board meeting was called to order at 9:50am.

Nan made a motion and Beth seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from February 13, 2024. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report

· The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

o The library is currently at 61%, below 67% of where it should be. Things are good.

o Spending on propane and electricity is much lower due to the new roof.

Chairman’s Report

· The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.

o Nancy was pleased to be asked and did write a letter in support of the long-overdue improvements to the library.

o Nancy is also working on the Corporate Sponsorship packet and to have names tags made.

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

o Mango Languages is now being offered on the website. There are 70 languages offered. The service costs the library $350 a year.

o There has been a security system issue with the basement door to the outside. Hopefully this will be corrected by the end of March.

o Jane enjoyed her vacation and the staff handled everything in her absence.

Youth Librarian Report

· Missy’s report was reviewed.

o Since Missy’s last report, there have been six events, all well attended.

o New books are on order.

o Plans for Touch A Truck are being made and will be held on June 1.

Old Business

· Library Hours Discussion for implementation

o A MOTION WAS MADE by Beth and seconded by Nan that the change to library hours would be Monday-Friday: 10:30am-5:30am, Saturday: 9am-1pm. This will take place on July 1, 2024.

The Motion was approved.

· Packet for Corporate sponsorship of the festival.

o Nancy has a draft of a letter to go to prospective donors and will be meeting with Liam.

o Suggestion is that there be three tiers of giving with possible benefits:

§ Tier I: $200 donation – sponsor a library booth.

§ Tier 1: $500 donation-sponsor a storyteller.

§ Tier 3: $1000 donation-banner, put on social media.

o All sponsors would be on the sticker on the giveaway bags.

o Still deciding on names for each tier i.e. Fairy Tale authors, Fairy Tale characters.

· Library Closing

o A MOTION was made by Beth and seconded by Nan that the library will follow the school’s closing policy. All approved.

New Business

· Capital Grant Application…

o Will made his presentation. Information in the beginning of the minutes.

The Board went into Executive Session for the Director’s Evaluation

Other business as needed

· There will be a VLA conference at the Grand Hotel in Killington on Monday, May 20, 2024. The schedule will be out soon. Let Jane know if you would like to attend.

· The copy machine is having an issue with scanning and faxing. It is being worked out.

· Donations for the event fund have been received. $5000 from the Kirby’s and $1500 from the Scappaticci Foundation.

· Volunteer Training for the Board will take place after either the April or May meeting.

· Jane will have a book of poetry published in April.

Beth made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:59am. Seconded by Nan.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday April 2, 2024, at 9:30am

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon, Secretary






Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Present: Laura Djordjalian-McComb, Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian

Executive Session was entered at 9:30am.

The board meeting was called to order at 10:10am.

Beth made a motion and Laura seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from January 9, 2024. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report

· The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

o The library is currently at 55%, below 62% of where it should be. Things are good.

o The marketing line item is high due ads placed in the newspaper and the summer reading program.

Chairman’s Report

· The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.

o Nancy was impressed by the reception for the history of the Sherburne Volunteer Fire Department held on February 10th. Jane’s presentation was excellent. It meant so much to the 30 people who attended. Pres Smith’s family was impressed. It spoke to the trust that was held to the library for displaying and holding on to the many items.

o There was an article in the Mountain Times.

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

o Movies have been very well attended. When advertising the movies in the Mountain Times, no movie titles should be published.

o Hearts are ready to be posted tonight for Valentine’s Day by the KPAA.

o Jane is contacting to have Mango Languages offer 70 languages online through the library.

Youth Librarian Report

· Missy’s report was included in our packet of information. There was no discussion.

Old Business

· Library Hours Discussion

o The change to library hours would be Monday-Friday: 10:30am-5:30am, Saturday: 9am-1pm. This will take place on July 1, 2024. The increase in our budget should be less than $1000. We will need to advertise the change as well as to add the hours to the library sign. Jane will schedule staff hours and get it OKed by the town.

· Packet for Corporate sponsorship of the festival.

o Nancy has been working with Liam who has been ill. Liam would like to look at some of the library’s pictures.

· Change of hours/staff comments

o Staff has some pros and cons. They will adjust.

New Business

· Use of the building by other groups.

o The board has MADE A MOTION.

A policy was made stating that no event from an outside organization charging admission for a profit will be held at the library. This was approved pending review of ALA regulations.

· Volunteer Training

o Two staff will be out in February.

o Jane will put together written descriptions for library procedures for volunteers.

o There will be volunteer training on March 7, 2024, in the morning.

Other business as needed

· There will be a VLA conference at the Grand Hotel in Killington on Monday, May 20, 2024. The main theme will be Libraries Empowering Communities: Standing Together in Uncertain Times. Jane encouraged the board to attend.

· Fairy Tale Festival – 10 Libraries, 7 vendors and 2 food trucks are scheduled.

Nan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Gerrie. The meeting was adjourned at 10:47am.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 12, 2024, at 9:30am

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon




Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Present: Laura Djordjalian-McComb, Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian

The board meeting was called to order at 9:35am.

Nan made a motion and Laura seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from December 12, 2023. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report

· The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

o The library is currently at 48.56% below the 50% of where it should be.

o Building Contracted Services is high because of issues with the firebox alarm system. Royal will be coming to correct this issue.

o All performers’ costs are in the performers’ line item which is at 175%. Jane does not feel that this is a problem. She is keeping track as we may have to increase this line item.

o Computer Hardware/Repairs are high due to purchasing Chrome Books and items for the Robotics program.

o Tent Rental is high, which is OK. The town will be giving $6000 for tent rental for the Fairy Tale Festival.

Chairman’s Report

· The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.

o Nancy and Jane spoke with Liam from Castleton to get him started on the media. We discussed during our meeting having levels for corporate giving and decided on $1000, $500, $200. Names for each level will be discussed at a later meeting as well as how to acknowledge the givers at the different levels.

o There is a concern that there are times when the library is understaffed. Jane reported that if a part-time person was hired, there would be an increase of $11,000 to our budget. This position would only be for 9 months as Missy works more hours in the summer.

o Library budgets are set now through 2024. Any increase could only come in the 2025 budget.

o A discussion followed with concern about asking for more money at this time when Vermont taxes are looking at a sharp increase.

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

o The library has been asked by the old Fire and Rescue to put up a sign made by Pres Smith in the meeting room. Along with the sign there will be a video of Pres speaking about making this particular sign as well as trailhead signs at Killington. There may also be a video about the opening day at Killington. It was anticipated that a reception could be held at the end of January. There may be an issue in acquiring the correct type of device to play the video. A $500 donation was made to the library for this event.

o Holiday Market made about $800.

o The January programming calendar is out. Movies are back. Jane has a puzzle challenge.

o Missy will be back on January 19th.

Youth Librarian Report

· Missy report was reviewed.

o All her programs were listed with the number of attendees. One correction was that The Board Game Café had 5 attendees.

o The after-school children had a break from computers. They all found other things to do. After the holiday break they can now resume computer time. There has been no problem with the computers as well as behavior outside.

Old Business

· Library Hours

o If hours were to change to Monday-Friday; 10am-5pm and Saturday; 9am-1pm, Jane reports that there would be an increase in the budget of $5400 for staff salaries. Jane will poll patrons as to their thoughts on the library hours.

· Packet for Corporate sponsorship of the festival. Information under Chairman’s report.

· Change of hours/staff comments

o Staff are concerned about a change but are willing to adjust.

· Valentine Phantom details

o Beth will work through the KPAA to get the Valentines out and posted. The seniors and the library will get the hearts printed, placed into bags with a roll of scotch tape and a list of places to put up the hearts.

· Annual Report

o Nancy wrote the report and submitted it to the Town. The Board received a copy. Jane said that several pictures will also be included.

New Business

· Donations from the Scappatici Foundation

o $1500 was donated and has been deposited in the Events Fund. The Events fund currently has $14,000, enough for the 2024 Fairy Tale Festival. Fund raising is needed for the 2025 Festival.

· Possible Artist in residence grant

o Jane is applying for a grant through the Vermont Art Foundation to have an artist come to the library once a week from March through May. This person would help direct the set up for the summer theme, Adventure.

· Volunteer Training

o Due to confidentiality and Library regulations, Jane asks that requests for volunteers be purely work of mouth. The ALA has guidelines as well as the Patron Bill of Rights.

Other business as needed

· Jane has asked that the library be supplied with an AED. Nancy will write a letter to the Selectboard. There is also a device for choking that should be at the library. Paul, the Fire Chief, may help with acquiring that item.

Nan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Laura. The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 9:30am

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon




Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Present: Laura Djordjalian-McComb, Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian

Online: Beth Sarandrea


The board meeting was called to order at 9:40am.


Nan made a motion and Laura seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from November 14, 2023.  All approved.


Treasurer’s Report

  • The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.
    • The library is currently at 38%, below 50% of where it should be. Most bills come to the library via email. Since Jane’s email was compromised, paying the bills was delayed. The bills are now being paid and Jane feels we are at about 45% rather than 38%.
    • All performers’ costs are in the performers’ line item which is at 160%. Jane does not feel that this is a problem.


Chairman’s Report

  • The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.
    • The Holiday Festival was a lovely event, making about $600. Items are still being sold at the library.
    • Nancy spoke with a graduate from Castleton with a business/marketing major.  He needs an internship(unpaid).  Nancy feels that he would be an asset in helping to put together a packet for Corporate Sponsorship for the Fairy Tale Festival.  Nancy circulated his resume.  All agreed to have Nancy and Jane work with him.
    • People have inquired about volunteering at the library. Nancy would like to get a list of tasks that would not interfere with the librarians.  Gerrie stated that the seniors want to continue volunteering.
    • It was felt that library staff and board members should wear name tags during events at the library. Nancy will ask the resort if they could make them.
    • Nancy (and all of us) are thankful for our library and the staff.


Librarian’s Report

  • Jane’s report was reviewed.
    • The library has been fairly quiet during the month of November.
    • Jane will be working on the state report, due at the end of the year.
    • The library report for the town report is due at the end of the year. Nancy has been working on it.
    • The after-school children have been very active, probably due to the snow and holidays. They are not allowed now on computers.  A letter was sent to parents stating some concerns.  This helped, as the kids calmed down.
    • Jane has scheduled a movie for 12/18 at NOON. Killers of the Flower Moon, which people have been requesting.  Bring lunch – 3 ½ hour movie.



Youth Librarian Report – None


Old Business

  • Library Hours
    • The library has been tracking library visits during the month of November.
    • There is concern about what effect a change of hours would have on the staff and the library budget.
    • There was a discussion of various scenarios for changing the hours in hopes of more consistency.
    • Nancy would like to see better communication of the hours, i.e. an additional sign attached to the library sign with the hours posted.
    • This discussion will continue next month.
  • Packet for Corporate sponsorship of the Festival.
    • Information under Chairman’s report.


New Business

  • Fundraising projects
    • Maurie Harrington Art Donation and possible Paint & Sip
      • Maurie is donating a picture to be raffled off. Tickets – $10 each.
    • Cheryl Gormley Quilt Donation – Cheryl is donating one of her handmade quilts for a raffle in the spring.
    • More fund-raising projects are needed.
    • Jane expects about $3000 in end of the year donations.
    • Possible Spring/Summer project with grant funding
      • There is a possibility of a gentleman working with kids to build a model railroad in the library in late spring/early summer. Jane would look into a grant.  She would need a commitment of hours and days from the adults working with the kids before committing to the project.
    • The Valentine Phantom?
      • The Board members felt that it should take place. Hearts could be delivered to businesses asking them to post the hearts.


Other business as needed

  • Missy is having surgery on 12/21 and not return to the library until 1/18/2024. Janet Cash has been helping out.
  • Jane mentioned that visitors to the library have asked if events previously held, i.e. Mystery Night, Spelling Bee, would be scheduled again.


Gerrie made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Seconded by Laura. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50pm.


The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 9:30am


Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon



Sherburne Memorial Library
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Present: Laura Djordjalian-McComb, Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane
Ramos, Librarian
The board meeting was called to order at 9:35am.
Nan made a motion and Beth seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from October
17, 2023. All approved.
Treasurer’s Report
• The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.
o The library is currently at 35%, below 40% of where it should be. We are doing well.
o The computer hardware line item is high due to the purchase of three computers for the
robotics program.
o The performers line item is higher due to the increase in programs now available. This line
item may go up some more with more programs being planned.
o There will be no more expenses this year under tent rental.
o The total expenditure is 45% which includes capital expenses.
Chairman’s Report
• The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.
o Trunk or Treat was busy and went very well. The fire department helped with traffic control
as well as Griffin. Using the fire department for other events should be considered.
o There was an issue with a video of Trunk or Treat, with pictures of children being posted on
a business website and social media. This should not happen without parental permission.
Beth will alert businesses through the KPAA that this should not happen. There also could
be a sign at events letting parents know that photos may be taken and if people don’t want
anything posted to let the leaders of the event know.
o Not discussed, but Nancy inquired about the need for people to volunteer at the library.
Librarian’s Report
• Jane’s report was reviewed.
• Highlights:
o Library doing well. Check outs and requests are up.
o Halloween décor is coming down.
o Thanksgiving closing – Wednesday, 11/22, 9am-1pm, Closed Thursday, Friday, and
o Christmas closing will be determined at the December meeting. New Years – Closed on
Monday, 1/1/2024.
o Jane distributed the meeting minutes from the Historians meeting.
o There are plans to set up a train display in the spring. A train committee from Rutland will
work with the children.
Youth Librarian Report
• Missy’s report was emailed to the Board.
• Highlights
o Missy had 9 events during the last month, all well attended.
o 130 people attended Trunk or Treat.
Old Business
• Building Issues
o There was a problem with the heat. A small part was replaced.
o The alarm at the back door to the basement keeps going off due to the wind. A new sensor
will be installed.
o Jane’s library email was hacked and that is the process of being corrected.
New Business
• Budget for 2024 was approved by Town Manager
o The budget still needs to be approved by the Select Board.
• Fundraising Projects
o Holiday Market update -Sunday, December 3, 2023, from 12pm-5pm
▪ Celtic concert from 1:30pm-3pm
▪ Lunch of gumbo and rice with dessert being served. Tickets are being sold for $5.
▪ 5 vendors plus the library will be selling goods.
▪ Cheryl Gormley and Judy Delman are making hot chocolate bombs and cookies jars.
o Maurie Harrington Art Donation – Maurie will be donating one piece of her artwork,
framed. It will be raffled off at a suggested price of $10 per ticket.
o Cheryl Gormley Quilt Donation – Cheryl is donating one of her handmade quilts for a raffle
next year.
o More fund-raising projects are needed for the Fairy Tale Festival.
o Jane expects about $3000 in end of the year donations.
Other business as needed – None.
Laura made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Gerrie. The meeting was adjourned at 10:34pm.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 9:30am
Respectfully submitted,
Nan Salamon, Secretary


Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Present: Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian
Absent: Laura Djordjalian-McComb
The board meeting was called to order at 10:35am.
Nan made a motion and Beth seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from October11, 2023. All approved.
Treasurer’s Report
• The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.
o The library is currently at 27.8% below 33% of where it should be.
o The computer hardware line item is high due to the purchase of three chrome books and
the robotics program.
o The performers line item is higher due to the increase in programs now available.
o The tent line item is high since the cost for the tent was $6000 with an additional $200 for
tables and chairs.
o Non-Print is well below budget.
Chairman’s Report
• The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.
o Town maps with highlights for visitors are available at the library. Beth is also working on a new map for visitors at The Welcome Center.
o A debriefing is a good way to voice opinions on the pros and cons for the Fairy Tale Festival.
o Corporate sponsorship would be a good means to get funding. Possibly a packet with
photos, statistics and the festival concept would be helpful. Nancy would be glad to work
with someone on this idea.
Librarian’s Report
• Jane’s report was reviewed.
• Highlights:
o Jane reviewed the Fairy Tale Festival. Stressed the need for fund raising.
o Circulation is up. Visitors come in to ask about local sights.
o Lots of new programs, books, movies, etc.
Youth Librarian Report
• Missy’s report was reviewed.
• Highlights:
o Table at the FTF was a huge success.
o Fall programs started with reading with dogs, jewelry making, bingo and Yoga.
o Trunk or Treat will be at the library on Friday, October 27 from 5:30-7:30pm with crafts, a DJ
and pumpkin contest.
Old Business
▪ Final Report on Festival for 2023
o Expenses –
▪ $1000 – Vikings
▪ $100 Ballon/Games – High demand
▪ $3750- 15 Libraries were given $250
▪ $400 – Goods for the General Store – a huge success
▪ $100 – Banner for the store
▪ $300 – snow cones and syrup
▪ $500 – 3 Costume Characters
▪ $6200 – tents, chair, tables (which is included in our budget)
TOTAL – $13,250
▪ Marketing – from general budget
▪ Parking – 3 people $150 each (petty cash). Very Helpful. No problem with handicap
o $528 was made at the popcorn, chips, and snow cone booth through donations.
o Vendors said that next year they may have some free items so that the Daisy Dollars can be
redeemed at their booths.
o Woman who fainted is fine.
o Have had good feedback on the festival. Excellent event.
o Should the hours be shortened, maybe 10am-3pm
o Next year the festival will be 9/21/2024.
• Building Issues
o There was an issue with no heat which has been corrected. We will be getting a contract
with the company, Control Technologies, so that the system can be checked each year, in
early October.
New Business
• Budget for 2024-2025
o The new budget was reviewed. In November the budget goes before the Select Board and in Mid-December the Select Board meets with each department. Budget is finalized by the end of the year.
▪ A holiday bazaar may be held at the library. Seniors and others make items to sell.
▪ Putting together a packet to present for corporate sponsorship for the Fairy Tale
Other Business – None
Gerrie made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Nan. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45pm.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 9:30am
Respectfully submitted,
Nan Salamon

Sherburne Memorial Library
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 11, 2023

Present: Laura Djordjalian-McComb, Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane
Ramos, Librarian
The board meeting was called to order at 11:04am.
Beth made a motion and Nan seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from August
8,2023. All approved.
Treasurer’s Report
• The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.
o The library is currently at 19%.
o The computer hardware line item is high due to the purchase of three chrome books and
three new pens for robotics. In October, Missy will be having STEM and STEAM programs.
o Performers line item is high due to the summer programs. Probably no more funding
needed during this year.
o The tent line item is high since the projected cost was higher since it did not include the
tables and chairs.
o Propane cost is low since there was a refund from CV Oil when the town changed
Chairman’s Report
• The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.
o Missy is doing an excellent job with programming and engaging the kids.
o The Fairy Tale Festival ad will be put on the Library website.
o The portlet will be arranged to be at the library for next summer’s concerts.
o It was suggested that Emily, Rec Director, be invited to one of the Library Board meetings.
Librarian’s Report
• Jane’s report was reviewed.
• Highlights:
o The Fairy Tale Festival is here.
o Summer programming is wrapped up.
o The Fall programming schedule is printed.
o The library will speak to the parents at KES on 9/13.
o October 27th is Trunk or Treat at the library with a pumpkin decorating contest.
o Two family programs – 9/12 on paranormal and 9/28 on Big Foot.
Youth Librarian Report
• Missy’s report was reviewed.
• Highlights:
o 2023-2024 school year is in full swing with new programming starting in October.
o The Youth are participating in the Fairy Tale Festival at the Trinkets and Treasures General
o The Children’s Room is filled with new books.
Old Business
• Report on the meeting room/kid’s room air system
o A Condominium meeting was held in the meeting room and a complaint was made that the room was very warm. Jane stated that there was a large number of attendees. The air system was checked and is working properly.
• Brief Report on the painting of the library
o Jane has had many compliments on the color of the library including the color on the front
New Business
• Fairy Tale Festival
o Jane distributed a list of things that needed to be done on Friday afternoon and Saturday.
o Sharon will be working the tent with chips, popcorn, and snow cones.
o There will only be one Food Truck.
o The Rotary made a donation.
o Jane gave us the pamphlet for the Fairy Tale Festival.
• Trustee meeting days and times
A MOTION WAS MADE BY Beth and seconded by Gerrie that the Library Board meetings be changed
to the second Tuesday of the month at 9:30am except for October which will be the third Tuesday
(10/17) at 10:30am. All approved.
Other Business –
Nan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Beth. The meeting was adjourned at 12:03pm.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 10:30am
Respectfully submitted,
Nan Salamon, Secretary


Sherburne Memorial Library
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
August 8th, 2023
Present: Laura Djordjalian-McComb (via Phone), Gerrie Russell, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian
The meeting was called to order at 3:35 pm.
On a motion by Beth, seconded by Gerrie, the minutes of Tuesday, July 12th were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
It is the first month of the fiscal year and we are at 8.3% way under the goal of 12%. $3000 will be used by the Historians to digitize records. Computer hardware and supplies are at 52% but this will carry this category for quite a while.

Chairman’s Report:
It’s always good to be able to note how busy the library is. The puzzle contest was not only fun but an activity that was multi-generational. The stuffie sleepover was again a great success with the fire dept and IPIE involved. The availability of a bathroom when an event is being held outside the library is a problem that must be solved. The solution will probably involve the Library, The Rec Dept and the Town. Hopefully by next summer a solution will be agreed upon. Just for fun the Chairman’s Report
was rewritten by AI and the result was amazing. Libraries have to be careful when purchasing books in this time of AI.

Librarian’s Report:
Almost 1100 items went out the first month of this fiscal year. Programs for both children and adults have been popular. The seniors have used the library for their usual programs, the concerts have been well attended despite the weather and the staff and volunteers are busy with prep for the Fairy Tale Festival. The biggest problem yet to be solved with the Festival is parking. We will probably need paid parking attendants to avoid the nightmare of last year. New patrons continue to visit the library with at least 15 new accounts. Adult programs are scheduled for September but children’s programming will not start until October. We continue to get praise and compliments on our summer theme and décor.

Youth Services Report:
Missy’s report on the summer activities included the number of attendees at each event and it was impressive. The average number of attendees at all events was 27. This included Movie and Popcorn, Ice Cream Party, Going on a Bug Hunt, Hot Dog with Cool Dogs, Butterfly Guy, VINS….Reptile Rendezvous, Stuffie Overnight. All agreed our summer program for children was successful.

Old Business:
As mentioned above in the Chairman’s Report, the availability of a restroom for groups using the library grounds is an on going problem that has to be solved. Summer programs and their popularity were discussed under the Chairman Report, the Librarian
Report and the Youth Services Report.

New Business:
The tent has been secured for the Festival at a cost of approximately $6000. Chairs and tables will also need to be rented. However, Laura mentioned her contact and it was thought it might be worth it for Jane to also contact them. The tent will need to be in a different spot because of where the new propane tank is located. Posters for the Festival are ready to be posted.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, September 12, 2023.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:29 pm.


Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Present: Laura Djordjalian-McComb, Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian

The board meeting was called to order at 3:37pm.

Nan made a motion and Beth seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from May 9, 2023. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report

· The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

· We have currently spent 93% of our budget to date, below 96% where we could be.

· Line items discussed:

o Jane highlighted the line items that we exceeded in the budget.

§ Repairs- Firebox- which still may be a problem because it is still connected to the phone line.

§ Comp. Contracted Services – Matt’s charges

§ Computer/Hardware/Repairs

§ Programs/Special Events

§ Office Supplies – a large purchase of paper was made and there still is an ample supply left.

§ Performers

o The town is still working on the phone system. Charges should eventually be paid by the town.

o The Seniors refunded $125 to the library for a purchase of a button machine.

o A new printer was purchased to replace the two printers which were leased. This printer has the capability of printing from a patron’s laptops.

Chairman’s Report

· The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.

· The library looks fantastic decorated for the summer theme:” Crawl into a Great Book!”. Thanks to all who helped.

· Touch-a-Truck was great. Ideas were given on some areas for improvement.

· It was suggested that the board discuss up-coming events and how they are staffed.

· Should there be more information distributged about events for families of toddlers?

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

· Highlights:

o The Oil tanks were changed from CV Oil to Irving. In the process wires were cut for the HVAC system. A new transformer has been ordered. No control over the temperature inside the library until that is repaired.

o The library has seen a steady stream of new patrons. Statistics good, puzzles and DVDs are popular and still evaluating the CD collection.

Youth Librarian Report

· Missy’s report was reviewed.

· Highlights:

o Touch-a-truck was a huge success with 75 attendees and 14 trucks despite the weather. Plan on it next year.

o Summer programming starts on June 28 and Missy is working with the Rec Dept.

o School year programming has ended with Yoga and Reading with Dogs. These two programs will continue next fall.

Old Business

· Air Filtration System Update- The air purifications were purchased for $3600. They are to be delivered this Friday and then installed.

· Summer and Festival Update

o The Seniors will start volunteering again in July on Tuesdays to prepare for the Fairy Tale Festival.

o Fairy Tale Festival – 9 Vendors, 12 Libraries (one coming from MA.), Dunking Booth, Fairies to hide and Dragon Eggs. Our library will put $5 fairy tale bucks in each child’s bag which can be spent at the Fairy Booth to purchase thimbles, glow in the dark rocks, fairy dust etc. Missy may also be doing Face Painting.

New Business

· Painting the Library – the painting has started. Blue ceiling in the back, library green and gray on the front porch.

· Parade Costumes and float – Beth, Laura and their families are receiving costumes for the 4th of July parade. Beth has secured a trailer for the float.

· Adult Programming/Fundraising Report

o July 22 there will be a jigsaw puzzle challenge – 5 teams putting together the same puzzle at the same time.

o A group meets on the third Wednesday of the month to discuss issues on Aging.


§ $400 has been raised from the raffles. The truck raffle was drawn at the Touch-a-Truck event (won by a delighted 3-year-old boy). The dinner at Casey’s, overnight at Snowed Inn and breakfast at Liquid Art is still going on and will be drawn on July 15th.

§ The summer concerts begin on July 5th and will run every Thursday until August 24th. A suggestion was made to sell ice cream at the concerts. Chili cook off is August 10th.

· Looking ahead to fall – Jane is asking for ideas!!

Other business


Laura made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Beth. The meeting was adjourned at 4:42pm.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 15, 2023, at 3:30pm. (note: change of date)

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon, Secretary





Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Present: Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian

Facetime: Laura Djordjalian-McComb

The board meeting was called to order at 3:44pm.

Gerrie made a motion and Nancy seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from April 11, 2023. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report

· The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

· We have currently spent 84% of our budget to date, below 87% where we could be.

· Line items discussed:

o Firebox will eventually have to change. That funding will be a capital expense.

o The telephone situation has not been resolved. There was a possibility that the library phone number might change. Jane argued the case since other departments weren’t going to have a number change. No phone number change for the library!!

o The library is now getting propane from Irving changing from CVOil. A new propane tank is being placed in the ground.

o If the Board wants to change anything in the budget, we should do so in August when the new budget is being compiled.

o In the new budget, there will be $3000 in the archival line item for the Historians.

Chairman’s Report

· The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.

o Nancy suggested and supported by Beth that if Jane needs some staffing at the library a text should be sent to the Board and one of us will help. Peter is always available to open up the library for one of us.

o Nancy said that the Touch a Truck post on Facebook was not able to be shared. Jane will check it out.

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

· Highlights:

o Movies have been well attended.

o Seniors working hard on helping with the summer décor.

o Circulation is up.

o Ed Larson will finish the electrical work on the mouse house. A three-year-old boy has named our mouse, SAM. There are books about Sam, the mouse.

o There have been many compliments on the arrangement of the library. It looks “so open and welcoming”.

o Kate has been tutoring and leading story time.

Youth Librarian Report

· Missy’s report was reviewed.

· Highlights:

o Movies, Bingo was a huge success. There was yoga and artist cards.

o Saturday programs for the little ones.

o A new program with the Osobots. The older group is learning how to program and code. The program was well received.

o June 3 from 10am to 12pm TOUCH A TRUCK will be held at the library.

Old Business

· Air Filtration System Update

o Jane had communication with Synexis. They wanted to install 5 devices but had no cost estimate.

o The Aerus system for the meeting room and annex room would be $1800 per unit. We would need 2 units.

A MOTION was made by Beth and seconded by Laura to install the Aerus filtration system. All approved.

· Kitchen Clean Out – The Kitchen was cleaned and looks great. They have a new moving counter with storage.

New Business

· Summer and Festival Update

o The summer calendar is out and full of activities. The concert series is listed. The Chili Cookoff will be on August 10th. Missy distributes the calendars at KES.

o Fairy Tale Festival – There are 10 libraries, 7 vendors, a band, dunking booth, 2 food trucks. Jane will fill out the form for the town. There does not seem to be an issue with the tents.

· Parade Costumes

o We looked at bug costumes online. Beth and Laura offered to pick out some costumes for them and their families. The golf cart will be decorated. This is for the 4th of July parade.

· Adult Programing/Fundraising

o Jane will look into some more senior programming for the summer.

o Fundraising

§ There is a basket of trucks to be raffled off at the Touch a Truck with Tickets on sale for: 2Tickets for $5, 4 tickets for $10 and 10 tickets for $20.

§ Another raffle will held and ticket drawn in July. Casey’s Caboose has donated a dinner for 2 ($100). Beth will ask for a night at Snowed Inn and she will donate a breakfast at Liquid Art. The tickets will be sold at the same price as the raffle at Touch A Truck.

Other business


Beth made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Nan. The meeting was adjourned at 4:36pm.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 13, 2023, at 3:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon, Secretary





Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Present: Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian

Absent: Laura Djordjalian-McComb

The board meeting was called to order at 3:36 pm.

Beth made a motion and Nan seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from March 22, 2023. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report

· The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

· We have currently spent 76% of our budget to date, below the 84% where we could be.

· Line items discussed:

o Computer contracted services and computer hardware/repairs line items are over 100% because of the purchase and set up/update for the five new computers. There shouldn’t be any more charges for this line item.

o Office supply line item is high due to the purchase of copy paper which should last for two years. No more costs in this line item for the current budget.

o There may be a slight additional expense in the program line item.

o There was an issue with the phone system. Everything was rebooted and the system went back online except for the phone on the circulation desk. A replacement phone was reordered.

o The Audio/Visual line item was renamed “Non-Print”.

Chairman’s Report

· The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.

o Our mouse has arrived, and his house decorated. Now we have to find a location.

o Nancy recommended that possibly the new rec director could be invited to one of our board meetings.

o We should work on fundraising and encourage younger people and families to get involve.

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

· Highlights:

o The library has been very busy with patrons and programs.

o The Historians program on Pico was extremely well attended.

o Volunteers have been busy getting ready for the summer program.

o Movies have been popular.

o Staff are putting cut out bugs, to be used as bookmarks, in books being checked out.

o Jane will be attending a summer youth services workshop in Ludlow.

Youth Librarian Report

· Missy’s report will be sent to the board.

Old Business

· Air Filtration System

o Jane has requested a quote from Mike Penn at Synexis. He said he needed a blueprint of the library. There does not seem to be one at the town hall. Jane does know the square footage, but more details are needed. Jane will follow up.

New Business

· Kitchen Clean Out

o The library will be closed on Saturday, April 15th.

o Kate will report to the staff on what she learned at the VLA State Conference.

o The staff will clean out the kitchen and items not needed will be given away and thrown way at Dump Day in May.

· Summer Programming

o Touch-a-Truck is hosting many trucks and vehicles on June 3, 10am-12pm.

o Jane is putting together and will print a summer calendar for June, July, and August.

o Fairy Tale Festival Update

§ Currently 10 libraries, 8 vendors, 2 food trucks and a band, Benanna are signed up. Hoping for 4-5 more libraries. No story tellers this year.

§ Each library will receive $225. Possibly more for the smaller libraries.

· Adult Programming

o Book Club, movies

o Seniors working on cutting out grass, bugs, flowers for the summer program. On April 25 there will be a grass cutting party.

· Fundraising Suggestions

o Dunking Booth at the Fairy Tale Festival.

o Raffle at Touch-a-Truck for a basket of trucks, truck books, etc.

o Silent auction of gift certificates at some of the local restaurants.

o Sip n Spell, Escape Room, Mystery Night, Madhatter Tea party have been done.

Other business



Nan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Gerrie. The meeting was adjourned at 4:12pm.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, at 3:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon, Secretary




Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, March 22, 2023


Present: Laura Djordjalian-McComb, Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian

The board meeting was called to order at 3:33pm.

Beth made a motion and Gerrie seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from February 15, 2023. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report

· The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

· We have currently spent 68% of our budget to date below the 75% where we could be.

· Line items discussed:

o Telephone situation is being worked on but still not fixed. Fire alarm is now on the internet. When this is rectified, the library may need to get a new phone number.

o Computer contracted services and computer hardware/repairs line items are over 100% because of the purchase and set up/update for the five new computers.

o Office supply line item is high due to the purchase of copy paper which should last for two years.

o Purchase of mice for “Scooter, the Mouse” children’s project comes from non-prints (audiobooks & DVDs) or programming.

Chairman’s Report

· The Chairperson’s report was reviewed.

o A question at town meeting was asked if the library would move closer to the new town hall. It was not answered at the meeting as it could be addressed to the board. The question was brought before the board. The board’s unanimous answer was NO.

o Jane is still waiting to hear about the acceptance of a $500 grant for the Fairy Tale Festival.

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

· Highlights:

o The library is working on the Scooter, the mouse project.

o Seniors have been helping with projects for the Fairy Tale Festival.

o The library has been very busy with patrons and programs.

Youth Librarian Report

· Missy’s report was reviewed.

o Plays and puppet shows have been performed.

o Reading with the dogs has continued.

o Touch a Truck is scheduled for June 3 from 10am-12noon. Since the library will be painted in June, it is important that if scaffolding is set up, children will be kept away from it. Jane said that the library will host the .5Kdash for donuts but it may not be on June 3.

o Missy has been meeting with Emily Hudson, the Rec Director on the summer reading program.

o Missy also gave us the summer program which includes a cartoonist, a band, programs on reptiles, bugs, and butterflies plus another stuffed animal sleepover.

Old Business

· Air Filtration System

o A quote will be requested from Synexis. Birch Ridge has their system and is pleased. Nancy said that she heard it was expensive.

o Beth received a quote from Aerus which is a system she uses at the restaurant. Their quote was $1800 per unit. For the meeting room and the children’s room there would need to be two units. There is also a cost of $1040 per year to replace filters.

o All members of the board felt that an air filtration system should be installed.

New Business

· Painting the Building (June)

o The building will be STAINED green. Cost $24,000 coming from the capital fund. A color still needs to be identified for the porch area.

· Items going to the Transfer Station

o The couch from the children’s room, the microwave and an old Keurig coffee maker are going to the dump. Jane wants to have a kitchen clean out before dump day in May.

· Annual Report to the state

o Jane reviewed with the board her report to the state for July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022.

Other business

· Programs for youth

o Jane, Laura, and Hannah met to discuss youth programming. It was felt that they need to get away from videos. Some suggestions made were: Robotics, programs that were hands on, more art and music, books, and an activity for the Fairy Tale festival. The group is large so for some activities the group may need to be split in half.

· Coffee Set up

o The coffee set up in the meeting room may need to be moved to the kitchen, possibly set up on a cart so it can be moved from the kitchen to the meeting room as needed.


Nan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Gerrie. The meeting was adjourned at 4:21pm.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, at 3:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon, Secretary



Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, February 15, 2023


Present: Laura Djordjalian-McComb, Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian

The board meeting was called to order at 4.06pm.


Nan made a motion and Gerrie seconded the motion to approve the corrected Board meeting minutes from January 10, 2023. All approved.


Treasurer’s Report

· The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

· We have currently spent 60% of our budget to date below the 66% where we could be.

· Line items discussed:

o Telephone situation is being worked on but still not fixed. Mark was into check out the lines.

o Tent rental should be budgeted at $6000 not $3670.30. May need $8000. Town has said that this money can be allocated from unused salary since Missy is currently part time.

Chairman’s Report

· Nancy Sherman, our new board president, submitted a report which was reviewed.

o She thanked Beth for serving as president for five years.

o Encouraged keeping our online presence current.

o Jane was asked how she thought moving the town offices off of River Road would effect the library. Jane felt that there would be no effect.

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

· Highlights:

o The summer theme has been determined – “Crawl into a Great Book!”

o The library has decided to discontinue the CD music collection. Nothing has been borrowed in over a year. Most patrons now stream music.

o The library is adopting a mascot. A mouse (not real), Scooter, will have a home (a small box) on the wall (high so that children can’t touch). His house will have windows and a slightly open door with a light that children can turn the switch “ON”. The house will have surprises for different seasons.

o Dee Juris has been hired to keep our social media up to date. She is also working on vendors for the Fairy Tale Festival and getting the word out for library programs.

o The Valentine Phantom was a great success with help from many people including a bus load from KMS. It was suggested not to tape hearts on wax paper next year.

Youth Librarian Report

· Missy’s report was reviewed.

o Thanks to Missy who has been working at the library for three years.

o Some programs were: making a snow man inside (no snow outside), reading for Dial-a-Story, movies, reading with the dogs, and Valentines.

o New book displays on Black history month, Valentine’s Day, winter, animals.




Old Business

· Puppet Order – The puppet company was challenged in getting the puppets. $1200 had to be refunded because not all puppets came in, but all libraries and customers seemed pleased.

· Air Filtration System – After a discussion, the board agreed that an air filtration system could be put in the meeting room. Jane will get some quotes. There will also be signs in the library stating that animals are welcome. If a family has an allergy concern, they will be notified if there is a program at the library involving animals.

New Business

· Donations – Two donations were made to the library – $2000 from William Kirby and $1000 from the Scappatici Foundation.

· Festival/Touch-a-Truck

o On June 3 – Touch-a-Truck is scheduled and earlier that day will be Dash for Donuts.

o September 16 – Fairy Tale Festival. There are 9-10 libraries and 3-4 vendors already signed up.

Other business as needed

· Tent Rental for the Festival – Jane called Celebrations and they are not taking reservations for September due to staffing issues. A tent company in Randolph was called and they have two round tents with walls available for $8000 which does not include rental of tables and chairs. It was suggested that maybe Jane call Celebrations in May and perhaps their situation has changed. The Vikings will be coming again and possibly the Vikings from Europe. Looking into having two food trucks.


Beth made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Nan. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10pm.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 3:30pm.


Respectfully submitted,



Nan Salamon, Secretary





Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Present: Laura Djordjalian-McComb, Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Jane Ramos, Librarian

Via ZOOM: Nancy Sherman

The board meeting was called to order at 3:35pm.

Nan made a motion and Gerrie seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from December 13, 2022. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report

· The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

· We are on track spending 54% of our budget to date.

· Line items discussed:

o Utility line item is now divided into Electricity and Propane.

o The library has sufficient office supplies.

o Repair line includes resetting of the firebox when it goes off due to high winds.

o Computer Hardware includes the five new Admin computers.

o Chet and town are still working on the Telephone charges

o Comp. contracted services includes setting up the new computers, maintaining names/addresses and there has a PAY BUTTON is now available on the website.

o There maybe one more performer charge this year.

o There will be $3000 under archival in the new budget which may be put into a reserve account.

· The Amazon business line of credit will end and the library will now have a business account which includes Prime and will be tax free. However, there will be no streaming available thus a separate Amazon account will be set up so that the library will still be able to stream.

· Three donations totaling $2200 has been given to the library. Thank you notes have been sent.

Chairman’s Report

· Beth has completed the Annual Report

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

· Highlights:

o Dial-a-Story has been a big hit

o The building will be stained in the spring. Getting quotes now. May need two coats. The cost will come out of capital expenses.

o Seven people can and say the movie, Hamilton.

Youth Librarian Report

· The Board agreed that Missy is doing a great job. Jane emphasized that the whole staff works together, and Missy is great at executing!!!

· Missy’s report was reviewed.

o The youth celebrated New Year’s Eve (12pm) together.

o The month of January will be reading with dogs. (Bernese Mountain dogs).

o There is a youth sign language course.

o Missy is now looking into programs for March.

Old Business

· New Admin Computers – working very well. They have a fantastic large screen to view multiple tasks.

· Christmas Thanks You’s -Thank you cards went out to all the readers of ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas.

New Business

· Winter Programs/Valentine’s Phantom

o Missy has many youth programs planned.

o Book Club and Movies continue.

o The Valentine Phantom will appear on Monday, February 13th. Jane has asked the Rotary and Women’s club for help. No response as of yet. The seniors will be working on Tuesdays. The kids will help. Some businesses complained last year about having the hearts on their business signs. Beth will send out an email through the KPAA to ask about participation from businesses.

· Festival Prep – It is now time to start preparing for the Fairy Tale Festival in September.

· Librarian’s Eval – Jane said that the State Library stated that the librarian’s evaluation may be completed every two years.

§ A MOTION was made by Nan and seconded by Nancy that the Board will now complete the Librarian’s evaluation every two years. All approved.

Jane’s next evaluation will be conducted in 2024.

· New Board Assignments – Beth has asked to be replaced as chairperson but wants to remain on the board. Nancy Sherman was asked and agreed to be chairperson starting at the February board meeting.

Other business as needed

· Allergy Issue – A child who comes to the youth programs is highly allergic to dogs. This issue was discussed. Presently, we will alert her and her family if there is a program including dogs. When a program with dogs happens, it will take place only in the meeting room. The library will do their best to disinfect and vacuum when the program over. Children going into the main library following the program will wash their hands. Jane and Beth will also look into air filtration systems.

· Summer Theme – This summer’s state theme is All Together Now (Kindness). Libraries can deviate from the theme. Jane has asked us to brainstorm, and we will discuss this at the next meeting.

Nan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Laura. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40pm.

The next meeting will be held on WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 14, at 4:00pm

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon, Secretary


Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Present: Gerrie Russell, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian

Absent: Laura Djordjalian-McComb

The board meeting was called to order at 3:36pm.

Nan made a motion and Nancy seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from November 15, 2022. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report

· The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

· We are on track spending 46% of our budget to date, 4% below where we could be.

· Line items discussed:

o The computer line is high because the library purchased five new computers.

o The town is still trying to figure out the phone bill with VTEL.

o Next year Tent Rental will have its own line and there will be $3000 in the Archival line.

o The town purchased a new copy machine for the library from Symquest. There is currently a problem with color printing and printing back-to-back. An expert is coming in to fix these problems.

· Any major renovations at the library will come out of capital funding.

Chairman’s Report

· The Chairperson’s report was reviewed

· Some items to highlight:

o Beth thanked Jane and her staff for a very successful year.

o She appreciated the library decorating a tree at the Festival and also Missy and the youth helping with face painting.

o It was suggested that the staff go out for a lunch as a Christmas Thank-you following Christmas. The Trustees will cover the library.

o Fundraising was discussed as wreaths were no longer being sold. We discussed some of the fundraisers which have been done. It was decided to discuss this further in January.

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

· Highlights:

o The Kids have decorated the library and picked the theme for the tree at the Festival of Trees.

o December 14, 1pm a speaker will be at the library from the Humanities Council.

o Book Club will not meet until January.

o The Historians had a program in December and will have another program in January about Pico.

o Statistics are good and all systems are running.

Youth Librarian Report

· Missy’s report was reviewed.

o Two classes were held – drawing pets and monsters.

o The movie, Holes, was shown.

o There is a Holiday Scavenger Hunt going on in the library.

Old Business

· Festival of the Trees

o The theme of the library tree at the festival was “Gnome for the Holidays.” The Youth did face painting.

· Holiday programs for kids and adults

o Kids made ornaments for themselves and also to give away as gifts.

o The adults will have a program on December 13 at 6pm. Many versions of Twas the Night Before Christmas will be read. There will be a children’s program on Twas the Night Before Christmas on 12/17 at 10am for the kids.

· Building upgrades

o The State Library has $22m in ARPA Funds. Jim Haff is planning on applying for grants for building improvements from these funds. He is looking to install news lights, block in the ceiling of the back porch, etc.

New Business

· Report on Dial a Story

o There have been 70 calls this month. The stories have been changed to reflect Christmas. Recordings can also be sent to other libraries.

o Jane is still researching the Yoto Minis. There are some glitches, and a policy may need to be developed as they cost $70 a piece.

· Looking ahead to the new year

o Jim LaRoche has called Jane and is interested in having an HO train display next Christmas and teach the kids how to run the trains.

Other business as needed

· Jane hopes the Seniors will be back Volunteering on Tuesday afternoons after the holidays.

· The Fairy Tale Festival is scheduled for September 16, 2023, after the Spartan Race weekend. This past year Jane gave a stipend of $200 to each library that participated.

· The Junior ROTC from Poultney are interested in coming to the library to teach robotics. Transportation is an issue.

Nancy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Nan. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30pm.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at 3:30pm

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon, Secretary


Sherburne Memorial Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Present: Laura Djordjalian-McComb, Nan Salamon, Beth Sarandrea, Nancy Sherman, Jane Ramos, Librarian

Present via video: Gerrie Russell

The board meeting was called to order at 3:35pm.

Nan made a motion and Laura seconded the motion to approve the Board meeting minutes from October 18, 2022. All approved.

Treasurer’s Report

· The Treasurer’s report was reviewed.

· We are on track with spending 33% of our budget as of date.

· Line items discussed:

Town has contracted with CV Oil for a cheaper fuel cost.

Computer line item is high – The five administrative computers were replaced. Much improvement especially with speed and the monitor is larger. Matt Partalis from ACT will now be working for the Town. Matt has done an excellent job with the library’s computers.

Print Media and Audiobooks will have bills coming in soon.

Still dealing with the phone situation.

· Our spending is $20,000 ahead of last year due to the winding down of COVID,

Chairman’s Report

· Beth has no report but did announce that the Festival of the Trees will be taking place the weekend of December 2nd.

Librarian’s Report

· Jane’s report was reviewed.

· Highlights:

Dial a Story has been very successful

Families have been testing out the Yoto Minis.

New displays are being worked on. Patrons missing “Oceans of Possibilities”

Summer material is arriving. The national theme is “Kindness all Together Now” but library staff is leaning toward “Freedom in Unity – Pride in their Home Town”.

Youth Librarian Report

· Missy’s report was reviewed.

Fall programs have been very successful with the 4th-6th graders. The birth to 8 have had programs on Saturdays.

65 people attended the Halloween event which was planned by the Youth Group.

The Rec department’s Trunk and Treat was also a huge success.

Old Business

· Statistics and Budget for the new year

The budget was approved by the Selectboard on 11/14/2022.

§ $6000 was approved for tents. Funds will ultimately be taken from Salary line item.

§ $3000 was allocated for Archival, mostly for digitizing. The Historians are preparing a program on the History of Pico for January.

October was a very busy month. Coming upon the holidays and skiing, Jane feels that activity in the library will be slowing down.

New Business

· Holiday programs

The library will be doing a tree for the Festival of the Trees. The youth will be in charge of decorating.

Adult programs will include – December 13, 6pm, the reading of several versions of The Night Before Christmas -Irish, Skiing, Viking, Cajun, Killington. On December 14 at 1pm the author, Rebecca Rupp, from the Vermont Council of Humanities will come to speak. The Sherburne UCC is sponsoring a Carol sing at the church on December 18 from 4-5pm which is open to all.

· New computers for the staff/admin

See under Treasurer’s Report – five new computers were purchased.

· Select Board suggestions for the future of the library

The members of the Select Board visited the library. The ceiling outside the back door is falling apart and when groups play music from there the sound goes up rather than out. They are suggesting that the back porch be extended and possibly include a fire pit. They are also suggesting that the air conditioning units and oil tank be moved as well as moving the two benches and statue to the tree line.

The painting of the outside of the library will happen next spring.

They are also looking into replacing the lighting fixtures in the library so that all bulbs can be LED.

Other business as needed

· The Pavilion project may now be part of Parks and Recreation.

· The town has hired a Fire Chief and a new Parks and Recreation Director.

· Jane will ask staff for ideas for Christmas gifts.

Nancy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Nan. The meeting was adjourned at 4:26pm.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, at 3:30pm

Respectfully submitted,

Nan Salamon, Secretary