How do I borrow library materials?
The Circulation Desk is located at the main entrance of the Library. You can’t miss it. The friendly staff there will be able to help you check out books and other library materials.
What are my responsibilities when I check out library materials?
When you get a library card, you agree to be fully responsible for all materials checked out on your card. This means that you will return materials on time and in the same condition as when you received them. Remember that these materials are purchased with YOUR tax dollars. Treat them as if you bought them yourself!
Where do I return materials?
When the library is open, you should return materials to the Circulation desk. Please check materials to make sure that you have not left anything important in books and magazines and that the videos are the ones that you checked out. You would be surprised at the things we have found inside of returned books and videos!
How do I find Library materials?
Library materials are included in the Library’s on-line public access catalog.
If you need help, the Reference Staff will be happy to provide assistance. The staff can help you use the on-line catalog and other databases available to you in the Library.
What if a book is not on the shelf or the library doesn’t own it?
If the book is checked out, a reserve can be placed on it for you. When the book comes in you will be notified by email or by phone. If the Library does not own the book, you can request an interlibrary loan. When a book is requested through interlibrary loan, you will be notified when it arrives.
The Library also accepts requests from the public to purchase books.
How many items may I borrow at a time?
Overall, there is no limit to the number of books that you can take out. Some items, such as DVDs or Museum Passes, have limit. Staff will be happy to let you know what the limits are for specific items at checkout.
If I don’t live in Killington, may I borrow materials from Sherburne Memorial Library?
Any Vermont resident or property owner is able to take items out of the library at no charge. Visitors from out of state are charged $15 for an individual card or $25 for a family card. These cards allow you to check out items for a period of two years. At expiration, these cards can be renewed for an additional fee.
What is the age that my children can be at the library by themselves without adult supervision?
A child must be at least 9 years old to be at the library by themselves. Parents are required to fill out a form for their child that gives us contact information so that we can call should a problem arise. Unattended children are required to follow the rules of behavior while they are in the building. Children under the age of 9, must have a parent or guardian present with them and the guardian must be at least 16 years of age.
Can I get a print out of what my family has checked out?
Yes, we are happy to give you a print out of the items you have out on your individual account or your family account. Once a family member reaches the age of 16, they have the right to open an individual account on their own. The library will protect the right of privacy for anyone having an individual account: meaning that a parent is not privileged to know what their child has checked out once the child reaches the age of 16 as they are now responsible for their own items.
How do I renew items that are checked out?
We can renew items on the phone, so please give us a call at 422-9765 to renew any item or items on your account. You can also sign in to your account with your barcode and last name and renew your items online.
Does the library close for holidays or bad weather and how do I find out if the library is closed?
The Sherburne Library is closed for the following holidays: New Year’s, President’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the day after Christmas.
If the weather is bad enough to close our local Killington Elementary School, the library will also close for the day to prevent extra traffic on the roads during a storm. If the library closes due to weather, you will find an announcement on the library website and our Facebook page. We will also post a sign on the front door of the building letting you know when the library will reopen.
Does the library need volunteers?
We have a wonderful staff that can take care of the library during regular hours, but we can always use volunteers for special events like the .5K Dash for Donuts, Sip and Spell, Fairy Tale Festival and Viking Invasion. Speak with our director if you are interested in helping with any of our events.
Can I attend a Board Meeting?
Board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:30am. Meetings are open to the public and held at the library. If you’d like to Zoom in, please let us know in advance as we have to set up both audio and video on separate systems to adhere to the new Open Meeting Law for the State of Vermont.